Character Biographies

The Usual Staff
Zam Wesell – Freelance bounty hunter who was thought dead by the hand of rival bounty hunter and lover, Jango Fett. After Fett's death, his clone/son Boba Fett began a vendetta against Zam for surviving his father. Zam currently runs a talk show on Coruscant which broadcasts every Tuesday night at 6:00 p.m. Her involvement in galactic politics has never been intended, but in recent years she seems to be a fulcrum around which the galaxy turns.

Stephanie Isaard – Agent for the Evil Imperial Secret Service and aide-de-camp to Zam Wesell. These two positions often conflict causing Stephanie much grief. Stephanie is also a skilled lightsaber wielder and has some Force abilities. She was briefly apprentices to Darth Bone Marrow prior to his disappearance.

Darth Maul "Sith" – Late Night's only bouncer / reckless lightsaber wielder. He is called upon when a guest displeases Zam but she doesn't feel the need to dispose of the guest personally. Unfortunately, Sith has a habit of killing anyone who talks back to him when he is on his rampages.

Colonel McGruff – First Mate of the GSC Cutthroat and head assistant to Zam Wesell. He has only appeared in dreams of Zam thus far but is usually off-camera helping prepare guests for their appearances on Late Night. Darth Bone Marrow finds his excuses tiring.

Martin Lance – The shows head janitor who can't seem to keep his head on. His ability to survive even the most brutal of murders attests to his 1980s design. He cleans up the messes caused by Zam's less-than-helpful guests and messes caused by Sith.

Frequent Foes
Darth Bone Marrow – Evil Sith lord who appeared in Zam Wesell's long nightmare of 2011. It is unclear if he was just a dream or a real being, but his men destroyed her fictional ship, the GSC Cutthroat, and temporarily turned Stephanie against Zam. His current whereabouts, if any, are unknown.

Little Boba Fett – The pint-sized clone/son of Jango Fett who thinks he can take on the world. Zam finds his indiscretion about his father's death insulting and has made it her personal mission to silence Little Boba in whatever way possible. He was last seen in Episode 39 threatening to return again.

Calindora Satine – A self-proclaimed Prophet of the Dark Side and a huge fan of Late Night. She haunts Zam's dreams making her sometimes believe Satine is her conscience, not realizing that Satine is indeed a real person who is bent on getting the real dirt on the former bounty hunter.

Darth Vader – Angry apprentice to the deceased Darth Sidious and author of Whiny Teenager Gone Cyborg: How a Podracing Slave Became Dark Lord of the Sith. He appears from time to time to cause mischief and mayhem on the set of Late Night.

Terrible Guests
Jar Jar Binks & Nute Gunray – The comic duo returns from time-to-time on the show to destroy everything they can. Jar Jar has an ability to destroy virtually everything he comes into contact with while Nute relies on Jar Jar's broken English to translate his native Neimoidian.

Darth Sidious / Evil Emperor Richard Cheney – Former leader of the Evil Empire before his sudden demise on the set of Late Night, Cheney was always underrated as an Evil Emperor. Wearing his cocktail suit with hood and cloak, he went around telling anyone who would listen his evil plans for domination. His end came when one of his newest inventions, Project Silverdude, turned on its creator.

Dr. Megablok – The poorly-educated designer of Evil Imperial superweapons. What he lacks in creativity he more than makes up for in his blatant stupidity. He was ultimately processed by a group of Evil Imperial soldiers and is unlikely to return to the show anytime soon.

Rebel Jockeys – A group of rowdy Rebel pilots that enjoy make a lot of noise over little things. They have a habit of getting killed and replaced in the blink of a frame.